About Us
Who We Are?
is a group of information security enthusiasts from Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR)
. It is run entirely by students and consists only of IITR students. We are a bunch of self-motivated security enthusiasts who love learning and sharing their knowledge with everyone genuinely interested in information security.
What We Do?
Meetings: We have weekly meetups where we have information security-related discussions and participate in CTFs.
Capture The Flag: We actively participate in CTFs. These are security competitions which require practical knowledge of topics like binary exploitation, reverse engineering, blockchain, cryptography, web security, forensics, steganography, etc. We also organize our own Capture The Flag competitions. The notable ones being: BackdoorCTF (our annual flagship CTF), n00bCTF (a CTF for recruiting first yearites at IIT Roorkee), Hackentine (a high-school level CTF for beginners).
How to Join?
Top scorers from n00bCTF and Hackentine at IIT Roorkee are invited for the interview rounds. Based on the interviews, the final selection will be made. For students who are not freshers, please submit your resume to [email protected]. We may invite you for an interview if your profile meets our criteria.